Spring Half-Day Conference & Annual Meeting

Date May 29, 2024 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Sponsor Wells Fargo
Location Locust Hill Country Club

Program Registration & Lunch: 12:00pm (Come early, it’s a great chance to network!)


Presentation # 1: 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Topic: What Does Today’s Treasurer Need to Know About AI?
Speaker: Zach Stimler, Head of Partner Success – Trovata

Session Description: The introduction of ChatGPT has quickly transformed the world of work. Executives immediately started identifying how to leverage it to automate processes, and adoption has continued to accelerate. For finance professionals, it begs the question: what does it all mean for the way you work? The reality is generative AI is here, and it’s adapting and learning. Finance and treasury professionals who adapt and learn with it can lead the future. In this session, unlock key steps you can take to help your team develop generative AI fluency and enhance relevant skills. These are the first steps to unlocking a future where AI accelerates financial analysis and reporting, enhances risk mitigation efforts, and optimizes financial operations.


Break: 2:00pm - 2:15pm


Presentation # 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm
Topic: Economic Update
Speaker: Tim Quinlan, Managing Director and Senior Economist – Wells Fargo

Session Description: Despite widespread expectation that rates would be coming down this year, policymakers at the Federal Reserve have not yet begun guiding rates lower. In this segment, Wells Fargo Economist, Tim Quinlan, will discuss the self-defeating prophecy of lower rates and how a resilient economy is slowing progress in bringing down inflation.


Break: 3:15pm - 3:30pm


Presentation # 3: 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Topic: Feed the Need for Speed – We All Have Real-Time Payments – Now What?
Speaker: Art Brieske, Head of Instant Payments – Wells Fargo

Session Description: The Payments landscape is rapidly evolving with growing demand for real-time payments on the global scale with consumer expectations driving corporate demand. In this session Wells Fargo’s Head of Instant Payments, Art Brieske, will discuss the Instant/Real-Time Payments landscape and what companies can expect in the future as these payment infrastructures increase adoption. 


Reception: 4:30pm - 6:00pm